Organisation Information - German Rifle Association (Deutscher Schutzen Verband) The German Rifle Association can was formed many years before the 3rd Reich and the Nazi party. It was a none political, none military organization who shared a common interest in marksman ship. Its primary objective was to encourage the sport of shooting among the civilian population of Germany. The organization was broken down into local clubs who organized shooting local competitions. Awards were given for winners of these competitions, ranging from simple medals to trophies and silver plates etc. As the Nazi party took over most of the civilian controls, the rifle association became more under its influence. The dagger was worn by any member of the German Rifle Association.
Dagger Information - German Rifle Association (Deutscher Schutzen Verband) The dagger was adopted for wear by members in 1939. The fittings of he hilt and scabbard were made from aluminum and nickel plated. The cross recurved guard has acorns at each end with a protruding clam shell fitted under the cross guard. The clam shell has the emblem of the Rifle Association and two small swastika's on its upper face. The grip is made from wood with a thin ribbed white celluloid coating. On the grip are two crossed rifles made from aluminum covered in a gold wash. The blade is about 54 cm (21.3 inches) in length and covered in hunting and shooting scenes. The scabbard is made from metal and covered in black leather.