Dagger Information - Teno Officer
This dagger was worn by officer ranks of the Technische Nothilfe (TENO or TN)
KammeradschaftFurher and above. The grip was orange in colour and made from a
single plastic moulded unit. The grip had 6 double, horizontal relief’s that
simulated grip wire.
The pommel was circular with a "Cog" at the centre to indicate the technical
nature of the organisation. The pommel screwed onto the blade tang to secure the grip,
cross guard and blade. A spread winged eagle holding a swastika in its talons was cast
onto the cross guard. At the centre of the swastika was another Cog. The pommel and cross
guard was made from silver plated aluminium.
Two different double strap hangers could be used with the TENO Officer dagger:
1)… One for parades – fabric silver stripped front with velvet back
2)… One for Daily Use – black or brown leather straps.
The buckles on the hanger straps were round and based upon the Cog design seen on the
cross guard and pommel.
A 23 cm steel thread Portapee was tied onto the dagger to complete the presentation.
A steel pebble dashed scabbard with two ribbed suspension rings was used to carry the
dagger. The tip of the scabbard was finished with a delicate design.
The stiletto steel blade was 27 cm in length with no engraved motto. As well as having
the makers mark (Eickhorn) on the riccaso, the officer’s dagger was serial numbered
and had organisational identification marks. Daggers were issued via the unit stores.