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Dagger Gallery

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I would like to thank the people below for giving their time, effort and permission to use the items listed to complete this site.
Name Web Site Help provided

Manfred Vogel (site owner)

This site

Main Gallery Dagger photographs
Peter Rhodes (site owner) Site design & webmaster
Craig Gottlieb & Vern Bryant of German Daggers GD mini Logo.gif (1395 bytes)

Images used in the dagger gallery

Thomas M Johnson

GD mini Logo.gif (1395 bytes) Information on organizations and some images in the dagger gallery.
Thomas Wittman

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Images used in the Dagger Gallery

Bernie Brule

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Use of the maker mark information in the Maker Mark section of this site and some dagger pictures in the Gallery section.
Bruce Petrin

This site


Acting site editor and contribution 

Michael Emmerich

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For his contribution of images and information in the Kriegsmarine section.

Bill Shea
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For his contribution of images in the various millitaria sections.