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Dagger Gallery

GD mini Logo.gif (2341 bytes)

Listed below are "Theme" pictures which combine a number of 3rd Reich items associated with a particular organization or unit. Please select the image to view.


Diplomat Theme

Diplomat Theme.jpg (71926 bytes)

The theme on the left comprises a Diplomatic dagger and sword. Also included is one of the rarest awards of the 3rd Reich. This award was only issued to 12 recipients, hence its scarce availability. The one on display is a museum quality reproduction.

Luftwaffe Theme

Luft Theme.jpg (88783 bytes)

This theme displays the two Luftwaffe daggers, the early type 1 with the metal hanger and the orange handled type 2 issued in 1935. At the bottom of the picture is the Luftwaffe sword similar in design to the type 1 dagger. At the center is the Pilots badge.

SS Theme

SS Theme.jpg (128152 bytes)

A range of SS items including a dagger, sword, belt & buckle plus a few awards and medals. A the bottom of the picture is a proficiency award.

Kriegsmarine (Navy) Theme

Navy Theme.jpg (129686 bytes)

The Kriegsmarine daggers and swords were based upon more of a traditional look and feel. The dagger style changed little compared to the WW1 dagger. A number of awards and medals complete the display.

RAD Theme

RAD Theme.jpg (86675 bytes)

A number of RAD awards with a  RAD Leader and EM dagger.

 RLB Theme

RLB Theme.jpg (75790 bytes)

A display comprising of the an RLB armband, awards and the RLB dagger and knife.

Teno Theme

Teno Theme.jpg (131833 bytes)

Daggers of a TENO Officer and enlisted mans Hewer plus some cloth related items.

Red Cross Theme

RED X Theme.jpg (103986 bytes)

Displays of the RED Cross and Social Welfare officers daggers plus a fine collection of awards.

Customs Theme

Daggers of the Sea and Land customs with other awards and related items

Hitler Youth Theme

Hitler Youth Daggers, Knives, armband and awards